What We Do

Our curriculum will cover all areas of learning and development, as set out by the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage):

Prime Areas

•Communication and Language
•Physical Development
•Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific Areas

•Understanding the World
•Expressive Arts and Design

Our children will experience these areas of learning through playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically. This will be achieved through careful planning of activities and will take into account the needs and interests of each child.
Extra Activities

Assessment and Records of Development

We will keep on-going records of your child’s development, which are available to parents and can be discussed at any time. We will be carrying out the Progress Check when your child is two. This is a statutory requirement, consisting of a short summary of your child’s development in the three Prime Areas. 

Your child will also have a Learning Journey book. This is a profile of what your child has done since starting at our nursery. It will contain snapshots of your child’s learning. You and your child will be able to look at this together and eventually take it to your child’s Primary School for his/her Reception Teachers to admire. This will form an important part of your child’s transition and is also a lovely keepsake.

Healthy Eating

We recognise the importance of healthy eating and we aim to provide fresh balanced meals and snacks. We offer breakfast, morning and afternoon snacks, lunch and tea. All our meals are prepared and cooked by our wonderful cook on site using fresh ingredients.
We use all our meal and snack times as an opportunity to promote independence. For example, during our rolling breakfast time, the children are encouraged to select and pour their own cereals and milk. We also use the meal times to promote good social skills. Staff members act as good role-models, encouraging the children to engage in conversation, whilst promoting good manners and speaking and listening skills. 

Settling In

We understand that for some children, this is their first time away from their parents. We are very happy for you to come in with your child before s/he starts attending the nursery, and a time is arranged for this to ensure a smooth transition. Please do not worry if your child takes a little while to settle. Our staff members are very experienced in helping the children and supporting their parents. 

Nursery and Home Links:

We feel it is important that we liaise regularly with our parents and carers and this is why we will have a two-way Home/Nursery book. This will enable us to inform you of anything that has happened during the day that we feel you should know; for instance, if your child has achieved something significant or acquired a new skill, or it could be something as simple as a change in sleep pattern. Your child’s development will also be discussed in formal consultations, which will be arranged during the year.
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